Workshop on Non-Binary Language Towards Non-Binary Language Technology (GenderFairMT)

With an increased visibility of non-binary people, strategies to overcome gender bias in language beyond a binary conception (male/female) have been proposed, such as gender-inclusive (e.g. Leser*innen) and/or gender-neutral (e.g. Lesens) language. These developments raise interesting questions for language technologies, including machine translation.

In a three-day participatory workshop from 15 September to 17 September 2021 we developed translation guidelines for non-binary language use together with people from the non-binary and queer community, human translators, and machine translation experts.

To crown the event, a public panel discussion took place on 17 Septtember 2021 at Erste Campus.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all participants of the workshop and all panelists.